
Persona Patterns: Make Personas People Can Reference

Personas have been a staple of UX deliverables for a long time. But the big problem with personas today is that they’re hard to digest, so people don’t use them. If people don’t reference your personas, you’ve made a deliverable that’s useless to others.

The point of making personas is to share research findings with people on your project so they can relate to the user and their needs. Those people aren’t versed in UX and need personas they can reference. If your personas aren’t easy to reference, your team is more likely to make bad UX decisions.

Introducing Persona Patterns


It’s your duty as the UX designer to evangelize the user’s goals, needs, and behavior patterns to your team. Personas Patterns are ready-made, custom-designed templates for doing this. They are an evolved version of traditional personas that cuts the fat off them so that people can focus on the meat.

Turn your personas from this…


To this…

No more text overloads, stock photos, demographic minutia, or chart junk. Just the essentials—context, user goals, frustrations and satisfactions.

When you deliver a Persona Pattern to your team, they’ll be able to reference your persona easier than before. The layout is scannable and in a mobile size display for quick referencing at meetings.

What’s in the File?

When you buy Persona Patterns, you get 40 persona templates each with their own unique illustration. They are divided into 20 primary and secondary personas for representing the pro and casual user of each user archetype.

Primary Personas (click to enlarge)


Secondary Personas (click to enlarge)



  • 40 custom persona templates
  • 40 editable SVG illustrations
  • 20 common user archetypes
  • Includes an advanced guide
  • Includes the designer font
  • Optimized for mobile displays
  • For Sketch and Illustrator CS6+

You’ll also get an advanced guide that shows you creative ways to customize Persona Patterns for your needs. All illustrations are in an editable SVG vector file format.

Persona Patterns is for Adobe Illustrator CS6+ and Sketch only. The download file will be emailed to you after purchase.

Buy Persona Patterns



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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Koru UX design Reply

    Very informative article on Personas and its impact on UX. Well-written, Anthony! Do read our blog which also talks of Persona as the foundation of UX.

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