
Design Vetting: A Process for Getting Actionable Feedback

The way you present your design determines the quality of feedback you get. Most designers will show their peers their wireframe or mockup and listen to what they have to say. This approach is a recipe for design disaster. Not only are you going to get biased and subjective criticisms, but it’s going to be vague and subject to misinterpretation.

The book, Design Vetting, proposes a framework that’ll steer project stakeholders toward user-centeredness and user needs. It’ll also help you facilitate discussions so that everyone arrives at an objective solution. The feedback you get isn’t actionable until it has been properly vetted by you and your team.

The 3-Stage Process

design-vetting_process-model1) Criteria

Before you show your design to others, you need to present them with criteria for vetting that’s based on user needs. Without this, you’re going to get all sorts of feedback that isn’t focused on the user.

2) Validity

Now that the feedback you’re getting is focused on user needs, you need to check if it’s valid. Validity is determined by whether the feedback addresses specifics. If the specifics aren’t addressed, you can quickly tell the feedback you’re getting is based on the other person’s emotion or bias.

3) Objectivity

Specific feedback is good, but sometimes it can be subjective. You need to check if it’s objective by verifying it with the experiences of other people on your team. Do other people experience the design criticism, or is the critic the only one? How many people experience it? Are their experiences in alignment? Do they have an issue with it but experience it in a different way?

Buy the Book

When you’re limited in time and resources, Design Vetting is your best bet on making smart design decisions that’ll result in a user-friendly product. Design is a team sport, but the designer should be leading the way. This book will show you how to grow into the design leader you were meant to be.


You need this book if you’re a:

  • Designer who works with a team of people
  • Designer who needs buy-in and sign-off on your designs
  • Design manager who wants to improve your process

The book is in PDF format and consists of 5 chapters, 65 pages, and 12K words. Click the button below to purchase it. After payment, you’ll receive an email to download the book. Thank you and enjoy.

$39 $27

Buy Design Vetting



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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Tim Reply

    As a developer and information architect, I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

    I think Anthony makes some great points in how to actually get USEFUL feedback from stakeholders when walking through designs with them. He also goes on to give some great tips for those giving the feedback as well.

    I’ve begun using many of the tactics outlined and have shared this book with several co-workers and I feel we’ve seen significant improvement in both intra-team and inter-team communication!

    All in all, a highly recommended read for any entry- to mid-level designer!

  2. David Reply

    Just paid a visit to gumroad and got your design vetting book. Excited to dig in and apply this with my team to a few projects.

  3. Linda Reply

    This book answered many questions I had in getting the right feedback as a UI and UX designer. Designers shouldn’t design in isolation and the book proposes an efficient way of making design decisions when you have limited time and resources.

    Design Vetting provides a framework to present your designs and is highly useful in guiding your teammates in those discussions and micro-decisions towards user-centredness.

    Reading this book feels like having Anthony as a seasoned mentor speaking to you directly on specific and actionable methods, while considering company situations from different angles. I would highly recommend the investment!

  4. Arin H Reply

    Thanks for producing this book. To suggest is better that we can access to the demo version of this book.

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