
Card Slicing: A Simple Method for Designing Better Grid Layouts

Most designers use a basic grid for their page layout. The grid displays content in boxes that are all uniform in size, shape, and style. However, this doesn’t always give the best user experience. To create a more appealing and engaging layout, you should use the card slicing method.

A drawback of basic grids is that they can overwhelm users with too much text. Each content item is confined to a narrow column, causing the text to stack and wrap. This creates a crowded space that makes reading difficult.

The uniform style of the content doesn’t grab the user’s attention right away. As a result, users tend to browse the page in a linear fashion, going through each row of items in sequence. This browsing approach takes away the fun and exploratory aspect of the experience.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. mesothelioma Reply

    I would be really annoyed if I came across a website like the “Do” above–it makes it harder to process the information and find what I want because the cards get interrupted by giant cards.

    Also, the “Do” and “Don’t” aren’t apples to apples. A more apt comparison would be (a) the current “Do” cards versus (b) only the small version of the cards from “Do”.

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