
How to Design Beyond Default UI Patterns for a Rich UX

If you examine most mobile apps, you might notice they all look the same. They all use navigation bars, table lists, and a linear data display. These default patterns that designers habitually use may get the job done, but they’re not always the best approach for UX.

Information structures that are too flat often fail to capture the attention and interest of users. As a result, users have to work harder to consume the information. It’s still doable, but the experience requires more cognitive effort and is less enjoyable.

When you break free from these default UI patterns, you’ll go beyond navigation bars, table lists, and linear data displays. Your data, navigation bars, and table lists won’t be confined to a fixed structure.

The example above shows how the new design breaks the mold of default UI patterns. It still displays the same data, but it does so in a more organic way. It doesn’t confine the data to a set pattern. Instead, it displays it in an appealing way that doesn’t feel like the interface just regurgitates information.

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