Imagine walking into a small, crowded store. A shop clerk hassles you into buying something you don’t want. If this happened, you’d leave fast and look for another store. You automatically lose trust when others pressure you to make fast decisions in a hostile environment. The web is no different.
The web is full of people offering services and products. Users need to first trust you in order for them to even consider buying your product or service. The list below shows 10 popular ways to add credibility and build trust on your landing page. Combine a few of them or use them all to build a trustworthy website.
1. Present value right away
Every user that ends up on your landing page asks the same question: what’s in it for me? You need to make sure they see the value you offer right away. Use a big headline explaining how you can help them, and what differentiates you from the competition. Just be careful not to focus too much on you and your company, otherwise you can drive users away. Instead, focus on meeting their needs.
2. Use numbers
Being apart of the crowd is comforting. You don’t feel alone and the number of people around you proves you made the right decision. Adding numbers, especially impressive ones, to your landing page can help you to build trust with users. For example, 150,000 subscribers can’t be wrong, and if they see value in your content, why shouldn’t a new user subscribe?
3. Showcase client testimonials
There is no better way to show people they can trust you than presenting them with someone who is already happy with your product. Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive word-of-mouth. You can track client opinions about you around the web or ask for endorsements. You can also add client photos in the testimonials to make them feel more real. If users can relate to the person in the testimonial, they’ll trust your product.
4. Use social media proof
The number of social shares for your product is an indicator of user trust and interest. Use social media share counts to build trust on your landing page. Showcase your Facebook page likes or Twitter followers and mentions to show you have a community behind you. There is no point of showcasing a small number of followers. You may have to build up your community first.
5. Mention any press coverage
Back in the day, if someone mentioned you in a newspaper or on TV, you’d generate lots of public interest. It’s the same on the internet. Find out which websites appeal to your target audience and work to get mentioned on them. Then you can use phrases like “As seen on X”, and use their logos to boost your landing page trust.
6. Include easy-to-find contact info
What if your landing page doesn’t answer all user questions and they want to know more? Make it easy for them to contact you. Display your telephone number or add a visible contact form that tells them you’re there if they need help. You can also incorporate a picture of you or your team to put a human face behind the website. This way users can expect help from a real human being.
7. Show that you care about user privacy
Make sure users know that you take every measure necessary to protect their privacy. Always link to your privacy policy and terms of service because that makes users trust you more. If your landing page’s purpose is to increase subscribers, add info on how often you’ll write, that you won’t spam and that they can opt out anytime. If your landing page asks users to buy from you, add info about any 3rd party certification you have.
8. Don’t overcrowd your design
You can’t pack your page with information if you want users to stick around. You only have seconds to grab their attention, so don’t let elements of your landing page compete with each other. A trustworthy landing page is one that gives your users a glimpse of what you offer, and helps them to decide what’s the right choice.
9. Don’t use sales language
People don’t like to feel like you want to sell them something. Avoid generic terms like “great offer”, “best deal”, “top product in the market”. This doesn’t present any value to your users. If you want to gain their trust, educate them. Don’t promise anything you know you can’t deliver on, and don’t try too hard to sell. It’s better to position yourself as an expert and showcase your work to encourage people to draw their own conclusions.
10. Don’t use misleading call-to-actions
Say you found a great deal that said “buy one, get one free” on your favorite cookies. You go to the store ready to stock up your shelves, but find out that this offer is only valid every second Thursday of the month. You leave feeling disappointed and deceived. The same applies to your landing page. If your call-to-action says “Download Now”, don’t redirect users to a page where they need to create an account to download the content.
Building User Trust
Forms are apart of every landing page. If users don’t trust your offer, they’ll abandon the form. To see if this is the case, you can learn how users are interacting with each field by using Form Tester.
This is what Optimal Energy did. They found out that 81% of landing page visitors didn’t finish the last step. Thanks to this knowledge the company was able to introduce a more engaging slider-based options widget that resulted in a higher conversion rate.
The landing page is where the user experience starts. It’s important to build a trustful relationship with the user. Doing so is a process, but when it’s done right, it’s worth every effort.
#11 Try to learn user intent behind a search and layout the content accordingly so that the chance of conversions increase.